Posted on April 3, 2024 in ATSC News
ATSC members are the heart and soul of our organization. Member organizations and their staff develop the Standards and Recommended Practices for the industry, explore new technologies via our Planning Teams, and participate in Implementation Groups that help shape the future of digital terrestrial broadcasting domestically and internationally.
We would like to welcome the following new members to our community!
AT&T is one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies, providing services throughout the globe. They are interested in adopting their infrastructure to take advantage of the new capabilities made available through the ATSC 3.0 Standard.
Blockcast Inc. is a next-generation content delivery network leveraging the broadcast-TV proven one-to-many distribution for incredible cost savings and improved use of network bandwidth. They invented a proprietary Multicast Adaptive HTTP Proxy (MAHP) that can proxy any web origin over multicast without changes to client application.
Blue Ant Media TV is an independent media company based in Washington D.C.
Freestream Technologies Private Limited was incubated at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK), FreeStream is India’s first and only start-up that is focused on developing, deploying, and managing nationwide network infrastructure for cutting-edge Direct-to-Mobile (D2M) broadcast technology and related platform services. Their D2M standard is based on ATSC 3.0.
Kibo121, led by Barbara Lange, Principal and CEO, joined ATSC as an Observer member, primarily to contribute to Planning Team 9 on Sustainability.
Michael McEwen, former head of NABA, (Observer member).
Queens Public Communications Corp. is a community media center based in the Borough of Queens, in New York City. The population of Queens County is approximately 2.4 million people. QPCC is interested in providing and developing services and content for NextGen TV.
SM Facilities – S M Consultoria em Projetos LTDa specializes in telecommunications engineering with expertise in television and radio broadcasting. They serve clients in Brazil, such as HITACHI, Seja Digital, TV Globo and affiliates, TV Pai Eterno, SBT, Record, Rohde & Schwarz, QMC Telecom, among others. Operating in the market since 2008, SM Facilities provide technical services for project preparation, licensing and regularization, construction of telecommunications websites, installation and maintenance of television and FM systems, inspection, facilities management, consultancy and training in project management, in addition to of other related services for the telecommunications area.
Posted in ATSC News
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Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
1300 I Street NW, Suite 400E
Washington, DC 20005
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The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards and recommended practices for digital terrestrial broadcasting. ATSC member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries. ATSC also develops digital terrestrial broadcasting implementation strategies and supports educational activities on ATSC standards.
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