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Glossary of Acronyms

The table below lists all acronyms defined in ATSC 1.0 Standards. The “Source” column refers to the document in which the acronym is defined.

Entry Source Definition
[X] 153

the greatest integer less than or equal to X

16QAM 80

16 (level) quadrature amplitude modulation

16-VSB 53, 54

vestigial sideband modulation with 16 discrete amplitude levels.

1CBPS 80

1 coded bit per symbol

2CBPS 80

2 coded bits per symbol

8PSK 80

8 (level) phase shift keying

8-VSB 53, 54

vestigial sideband modulation with 8 discrete amplitude levels.

A/D 53, 54

analog to digital converter

AAC 153

Advanced Audio Coding


112 bit triple DES used in “encrypt-decrypt-encrypt” mode


168 bit triple DES used in “encrypt-decrypt-encrypt” mode

AC-3 79, 83

ATSC Digital Audio Compression Standard (see A/52)

ACAP 101, 102

Advanced Common Application Platform

ACAP-J 101

ACAP Procedural (Java)

ACAP-X 101

ACAP Declarative (XHTML)

ACATS 53, 54

Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Service


adjacent channel interference ratio


adjacent channel leakage ratio

acmod 52

audio coding mode


adjacent channel rejection ratio

addbsi 52

additional bit stream information

addbsie 52

additional bit stream information exists

addbsil 52

additional bit stream information length


aggregate event information table

AES 53, 54

Audio Engineering Society

AES 153

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES may also refer to the Audio Engineering Society)


aggregate extended text table

AFI 95

authority and format identifier

AFD 54, 79

active format description.

ALC 153

Asynchronous Layered Coding


automated measurement of lineups

ANSI 53, 54, 79

American National Standards Institute

API 100

application programming interface

ARM 96, 100

application reference model


American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASI 79

asynchronous serial interface


ancillary service target decoder

AT 153

ATSC time

ATC 82

ancillary terrestrial component (MSS terrestrial base stations)

ATM 53, 54

asynchronous transfer mode


automatic transmitter power control

ATSC 70, 65, 69, 71, 79, 80, 81, 82, 85, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 110, 153

Advanced Television Systems Committee

ATSC-M/H 153

ATSC Mobile/Handheld Standard


Advanced Television Test Center

ATV 53, 54

advanced television


Advanced Television Enhancement Forum

audblk 52

audio block

audprodi2e 52

audio production information exists, ch2

audprodie 52

audio production information exists

auxbits 52

auxiliary data bits

auxdata 52

auxiliary data field

auxdatae 52

auxiliary data exists

auxdatal 52

auxiliary data length

AVC 153

Advanced Video Coding (ITU-T H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10)

AWGN 54, 80

additive white Gaussian noise

B 153

SCCC output block length in symbols

baie 52

bit allocation information exists

bap 52

bit allocation pointer

BAS 82

Broadcast Auxiliary Services (Part 74 of the FCC Rules)

BCRO 153

broadcast rights object

BER 80, 82

bit error ratio

BFO 82

brute force overload


binary phase-shift keying

bin 52

frequency coefficient bin in index [bin]


broadcast inter-ORB protocol

blk 52

block in array index [blk]

blksw 52

block switch flag

BMP 65, 69

basic multilingual plane

bnd 52

band in array index [bnd]

bps 53, 54, 90

bits per second

bpsk 81

binary phase shift keying

BSD/A 153

Broadcast Service Distribution/Adaptation Center

bsi 52

bit stream information

bsid 52

bit stream identification

bslbf 57, 65, 69, 70, 81, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 110, 153

bit serial, leftmost bit first (From A/57A: “Bit string, left bit first, where “left” is the order in which the bit strings are written in the Standard. Bits strings are written as strings of 1s and 0s within single quotation marks, e.g. ‘1000 1001’. Blanks within a bit string are for ease of reading and have no significance.”

BSM 153

BCAST subscription management

bsmod 52

bit stream mode

BSS 82, 110

buried spread spectrum (direct sequence)


Broadcast Television Systems Committee

BWS 80

slot bandwidth (for a given service, within a transponder)

BWT 80

transponder bandwidth

C/I 110

signal-to-interference ratio (between transmitters within a network)

C/N 82

carrier to noise

CA 70, 81

conditional access

CAM 70

conditional access module

CAT 65, 69, 70, 81, 94, 98

conditional access table

CBC 70, 96

cipher block chaining


conventional definition television

CEA 69, 79

Consumer Electronics Association

CDP 79

caption distribution packet

ch 52

channel in array index [ch]

chbwcod 52

channel bandwidth code

chexpstr 52

channel exponent strategy

chincpl 52

channel in coupling

chmant 52

channel mantissas

CIT-MH 153

ell information table for ATSC-M/H

clev 52

center mixing level coefficient

CM 79

component missing (see A/78)

cmixlev 52

center mix level


commercial mobile radio services (cellular, SMR and PCS)


coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing

compr 52, 79

compression gain word

compr2 52

compression gain word, ch2

compr2e 52

compression gain word exists, ch2

compre 52

compression gain word exists

copyrightb 52

copyright bit

cplabsexp 52

coupling absolute exponent

cplbegf 52

coupling begin frequency code

cplbndstrc 52

coupling band structure

cplco 52

coupling coordinate

cplcoe 52

coupling coordinates exist

cplcoexp 52

coupling coordinate exponent

cplcomant 52

coupling coordinate mantissa

cpldeltba 52

coupling dba

cpldeltbae 52

coupling dba exists

cpldeltlen 52

coupling dba length

cpldeltnseg 52

coupling dba number of segments

cpldeltoffst 52

coupling dba offset

cplendf 52

coupling end frequency code

cplexps 52

coupling exponents

cplexpstr 52

coupling exponent strategy

cplfgaincod 52

coupling fast gain code

cplfleak 52

coupling fast leak initialization

cplfsnroffst 52

coupling fine SNR offset

cplinu 52

coupling in use

cplleake 52

coupling leak initialization exists

cplmant 52

coupling mantissas

cplsleak 52

coupling slow leak initialization

cplstre 52

coupling strategy exists

CRC 53, 54,65, 69, 81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 153

cyclic redundancy check

crc1 52

crc – cyclic redundancy check word 1

crc2 52

crc – cyclic redundancy check word 2

crcrsv 52

crc reserved bit

CRL 96

certificate revocation list

CS 110

cadence signal

csnroffst 52

coarse SNR offset

CSS 100

Cascading Style Sheet

CTA 153


CVCT 65, 69, 71, 81, 90, 94

cable virtual channel table

CW 70

control word (The key used for MPEG transport scrambling).

D/U 54, 110

desired (signal) to undesired (signal) ratio

d15 52

d15 exponent coding mode

d25 52

d25 exponent coding mode

d45 52

d45 exponent coding mode

DA 100

declarative application

DAE 100

Declarative Application Environment

DASE 96, 100

DTV Applications Software Environment

DAU 90, 91, 93, 95

data access unit

DAVIC 91, 100

Digital Audio Visual Council

dB 85


dB FS 85

decibels, relative to full scale sine wave (per AES17)

dB TP 85

decibels, true-peak relative to full-scale (per ITU-R BS.1770 Annex 2)

dba 52

delta bit allocation

dbpbcod 52

dB per bit code


deciBels full scale

DBS 79

direct broadcast satellite

DC 91


DCC 57, 65, 69, 94

directed channel change


DCC capable DTV reference receiver

DCCSCT 65, 69

DCC selection code table

DCT 53, 54

discrete cosine transform

DDB 91, 95


DDE 92

declarative data essence

DEB 92, 93

data program element buffer

DEBn 90, 91

data elementary stream buffer for synchronized data elementary stream n

DEBSn 90

data elementary stream buffer size for synchronized data elementary stream n

deltba 52

channel dba

deltbae 52

channel dba exists

deltbaie 52

dba information exists

deltlen 52

channel dba length

deltnseg 52

channel dba number of segments

deltoffst 52

channel dba offset


digital electronic news gathering

DES 70

Data Encryption Standard

DES 70, 90, 93, 96

data elementary stream

DET 69, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94

data event table

DFS 110

data field synchronization data segment

DH 96



dynamic host configuration protocol

dialnorm 52

dialogue normalization word

dialnorm2 52

dialogue normalization word, ch2

DII 91, 94, 95


DIMS 153

dynamic interactive multimedia scenes

DIT 69

data information table

dithflag 52

dither flag


Digital Living Network Alliance

DNS 96, 153

domain name services


Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification

DOM 100

document object model

DRC 79, 85

dynamic range control

DRL 82

data return link

DRM 153

digital rights management

DS 110

delay spread

DSI 91, 94, 95


DSL 96

digital subscriber line

DSM 54

digital storage media

DSM-CC 54, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96

digital storage media command and control


digital satellite news gathering

DSS 54

data segment synchronization

DST 90, 81, 91, 93, 94, 95

data service table

dsurmod 52

Dolby surround mode

DTD 100

document type definition

DTH 80

direct to home

DTS 53, 54, 81, 90, 92

decoding time stamp

DTV 65, 69, 70, 79, 80, 90, 91, 96, 100, 110

digital television


digital television closed captioning

DTx 110

distributed transmission

DTxA 110, 153

distributed transmission adapter

DTxN 110, 153

distributed transmission network

DTxP 110

distributed transmission packet

DTxR 110

distributed translator

DTxS 110

distributed transmission system

DTxT 110

distributed transmitter

DVB 69, 70, 79, 80, 81, 90, 153

Digital Video Broadcasting


Digital Video Broadcasting—Service Information


digital video cassette recorder

DVS 69, 81

Digital Video Subcommittee

dynrng 52, 79

dynamic range gain word

dynrng2 52

dynamic range gain word, ch2

dynrng2e 52

dynamic range gain word exists, ch2

dynrnge 52

dynamic range gain word exists

EA 81

emergency alert

EBU 80, 94

European Broadcasting Union

ECB 70

electronic codebook (DES cipher mode)

ECC 110

error correcting code

ECM 54, 70, 81

entitlement control message

EDE 70, 96


EIA 69, 94

Electronic Industries Alliance


equivalent isotropic radiated power

EIT 65, 69, 70, 79, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93

event information table

EMM 54, 65, 69, 70, 98

entitlement management message

ENG 82

electronic news gathering (in the context of this document, “ENG” includes electronic field production


ENG receive-only site (also known as “central” receive site)

EPG 65, 69, 76, 91, 94

electronic program guide

ERP 110

effective radiated power

ES 53, 54, 81, 90, 91, 93

elementary stream

ESCR 53, 54, 91

elementary stream clock reference

ESG 153

electronic service guide

ETM 65, 69, 81, 90, 92

extended text message

ETS 80

European Telecommunication Standard


European Telecommunications Standards Institute

ETT 65, 69, 81, 90, 92, 94

extended text table

exps 52

channel exponents

fbw 52

full bandwidth

fdcycod 52

fast decay code

FCC 79

Federal Communications Commission

FDM 80

frequency division multiplex


frequency division multiple access

FDT 153

file delivery table

FEC 53, 80, 82, 153

forward error correction

FET-MH 153

future event table for ATSC-M/H

fgaincod 52

channel fast gain code

FIC 153

fast information channel


first-in, first-out shift register

FIR 80

finite impulse response

floorcod 52

masking floor code

floortab 52

masking floor table


File Delivery over Unidirectional Transport (RFC 3926)

FM 79

frequency modulation


frequency and phase-locked-loop

FRAGnkj 92

IP fragmentation buffer for fragment identifier j, multicast address k, in program element n

frmsizecod 52

frame size code

fscod 52

sampling frequency code

FSK 82

frequency-shift keying

fsnroffst 52

channel fine SNR offset


free-space power loss

FTA 153


gainrng 52

channel gain range code

GAT 153

guide access table

GAT-MH 153

guide access table for ATSC-M/H

GF 153

Galois field

GHz 80

gigahertz (109 cycles per second)


Guassian minimum shift keying

GOP 53, 54

group of pictures

GPI 85

general purpose interface

GPS 65, 69, 76, 81, 110, 153

Global Positioning System

grp 52

group in index [grp]


horizontal ancillary

HAVi 100

Home Audio Video Interoperability

HD 79


HD-SD 79

high definition serial digital interface (compliant with SMPTE 292)

HDTV 53, 54, 79, 80

high-definition television

HE AAC 153

High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding

HE AAC v2 153

High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding version 2

HEX 80

hexadecimal notation

HPA 80

high power amplifier

HTML 70, 90, 100

Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP 96, 153

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol – Secure

I/O 80


IBO 80

input back off


Internet Control Message Protocol

ICP 96

interaction channel provider


interactive content service provider

ID 153


IDL 100

Interface Definition Language

IDR 80

intermediate data rate

IEC 53, 54, 69, 71, 80, 81, 90, 94

International Electrotechnical Commission

IEEE 71, 90, 96

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Intelsat Earth Station Standard

IETF 91, 92, 94, 96, 153

Internet Engineering Task Force

IF 80

intermediate frequency

IOR 95

interoperable object reference

IP 91, 92, 94, 96, 100, 153

Internet Protocol

IPG 69

interactive program guide


IP datagram buffer for kth IP multicast address in the nth program element

IPM 92, 96

IP multicast

IPsec 153

IP security

IPTV 71, 79

Internet Protocol television

IPX 91

internetwork packet exchange

IRD 79

integrated receiver/decoder (sometimes termed receiver/descrambler, but not in these systems. ATSC content is always in the “clear”).

ISAN 57, 76, 153

International Standard Audiovisual Number


Integrated Services Digital Network

ISI 54

intersymbol interference

ISO 53, 54, 69, 71, 80, 81, 90, 91, 94, 96, 99

International Organization for Standardization

ISP 96

Internet service provider

ITU 53, 54, 79, 85, 90, 92, 94, 96

International Telecommunication Union

ITV 96

interactive television

IV 70

initialization vector

JDK 100

Java Development Kit

JEC 54

Joint Engineering Committee (of EIA and NCTA)

JMF 100

Java Media Framework

JPEG 100

Joint Photographic Expert Group

kbps 69, 90, 95

1,000 bits per second

LAN 96

local area network

langcod 52

language code

langcod2 52

language code, ch2

langcod2e 52

language code exists, ch2

langcode 52

language code exists

LASeR 153

lightweight application scene representation

LCT 153

layered coding transport

lfe 52

low frequency effects

lfeexps 52

lfe exponents

lfeexpstr 52

lfe exponent strategy

lfefgaincod 52

lfe fast gain code

lfefsnroffst 52

lfe fine SNR offset

lfemant 52

lfe mantissas

lfeon 52

lfe on


loudness, K-weighted, relative to full scale, measured with equipment that implements the algorithm specified by ITU-R BS.1770; a unit of LKFS is equivalent to a decibel

LLC-SNAP 90, 91

Logical Link Control – Sub Network Access Protocol

LMS 54

least mean squares

LNA 80

low-noise amplifier

LNB 80

low-noise block downconverter

LOS 82

line of sight

LQ 82

link quality

LSB 91, 110

least significant byte

LTKM 153

long-term key message

LTST 91, 94

long term service table

M/H 153


MAC 90, 92

media access control

mbps 53, 54, 80, 90, 95, 110

1,000,000 bits per second


multiple channels per carrier

MD 110

maximum delay

MD5 96

message digest 5

MER 82

modulation error ratio

MGT 65, 69, 70, 81, 90, 91

master guide table

MHE 153

M/H encapsulation

MHz 69, 80

megahertz (106 cycles per second)

MIME 94, 100

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions

MIP 96

minimal implementation profile

mixlevel 52

mixing level

mixlevel2 52

mixing level, ch2

MMI 70

man-machine interface

MNG 100

multiple network graphics

MP@HL 53, 54

Main Profile at High Level

MP@ML 53, 54

Main Profile at Main Level

MPAA 65, 69

Motion Picture Association of America

MPE 92

multi-protocol encapsulation

MPEG 53, 54, 65, 69, 70, 71, 79, 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 110, 153

Moving Picture Experts Group; refers to standards developed by the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11

MPEG-1 53, 54, 95

Refers to ISO/IEC standards 11172-1 (Systems), 11172-2 (Video), 11172-3 (Audio), 11172-4 (Compliance Testing), and 11172-5 (Technical Report)

MPEG-2 53, 54, 95

MPEG-2 – Refers to ISO/IEC standards 13818-1 (systems), 13818-2 (video), 13818-3 (Audio), 13818-4 (Compliance).

MRD 81, 93

MPEG-2 registration descriptor

MS 92

media stream

MSB 80, 110

most significant bit

MSK 82

minimum shift keying

MSS 82

mobile satellite service

mstrcplco 52

master coupling coordinate

MTU 90, 91, 92

maximum transmission unit

MUX 53, 80


MVPD 79, 85

multichannel video programming distributor


Miscellaneous Wireless Communications Services

N 153

number of columns in RS Frame payload

nauxbits 52

number of auxiliary bits

nbomsbf 90, 92

network byte order, most significant bit first

nchans 52

number of channels

nchgrps 52

number of fbw channel exponent groups

nchmant 52

number of fbw channel mantissas

ncplbnd 52

number of structured coupled bands

ncplgrps 52

number of coupled exponent groups

ncplmant 52

number of coupled mantissas

ncplsubnd 52

number of coupling sub-bands

nfchans 52

number of fbw channels

NIC 96

network interface card

nlfegrps 52

number of lfe channel exponent groups

nlfemant 52

number of lfe channel mantissas

NoG 153

number of M/H groups per M/H subframe


National Renewable Security Standard

NRT 90, 91, 92, 94, 95

network resources table


network service access point

NTP 92, 96, 153

network time protocol

NTSC 69, 79

National Television Systems Committee

NVOD 65, 69, 100

near video on demand

OBO 80

output back off


On-Line Certificate Status Protocol

OCT 80

octal notation

OD 110

offset delay

OMA 153

Open Mobile Alliance


Open Mobile Alliance Broadcast

OMP 110

operations and maintenance packet

OOB 65, 69

out of band


out of band emissions (spurious signals)

OQPSK 81, 82

offset quadrature phase shift keying

ORB 95

object request broker

origbs 52

original bit stream

OSI 96

Open System Interconnection

OUI 90, 94, 95, 97

organization unique identifier

P 80


P 153

number of RS parity bytes per RS frame column

PA 100

procedural application

PAE 100

Procedural Application Environment

PAT 65, 69, 80, 81, 90, 91, 92, 94, 110

program association table

PAT-E 53

A table with the same syntax as Program Association Table as defined by ISO/IEC 13818-1 transmitted using an enhanced VSB mode defined in A/53- Part 2.

PCCC 153

parallel concatenated convolutional code

PCR 53, 54, 65, 69, 70, 90, 91, 110

program clock reference

PCS 82

personal communications services

PCM 79

pulse code modulation

PDU 92

protocol data unit

PEK 153

program encryption key

pel 53, 54


PES 53, 54, 65, 69, 70, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93

packetized elementary stream

phsflg 52

phase flag

phsflginu 52

phase flags in use

PID 53, 54, 65, 69, 70, 76, 79, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 110

packet identifier


professional integrated receiver/decoder (see IRD)

PKI 96

public key infrastructure

PL 153

RS frame portion length

PMT 53, 57, 65, 69, 70, 80, 81, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95

program map table

PMT-E 53

A table with the same syntax as Program Map Table as defined by ISO/IEC 13818-1 transmitted using an enhanced VSB mode defined in A/53 Part 2.


A PID that identifies the Transport Stream packets that carry TS_program_map_section()s in a TS-E.

PNG 100

Portable Network Graphics

POA 79

program off sir (see A/78)

POD 97

point of deployment


plain old telephone service

ppm 82, 110

parts per million

PPM 85

peak program meter

PRC 153

parade repetition cycle

PRBS 80, 110

pseudo random binary sequence

PS 153

parametric stereo

PSI 53, 54, 69, 70, 81, 90

program specific information

PSIP 54, 65, 69, 70, 79, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96

Program and System Information Protocol; a collection of tables describing virtual channel attributes, event features, and other information.

PSK 80, 82

phase shift keying

PTC 65, 69

physical transmission channel

PTS 53, 54, 81, 90, 91, 100

presentation time stamp

PU 53, 54, 90

presentation unit

QEF 80


QPSK 80, 81, 82

quadrature phase shift keying

QUAM 69, 79, 81

quadrature amplitude modulation

R 153

the number of FIC chunks per M/H frame

rbnd 52

rematrix band in index [rbnd]

RCE 100

runtime code extension

RCL 82

receive carrier level

RCU 69

remote control unit

rematflg 52

rematrix flag

rematstr 52

rematrixing strategy

RF 79, 80, 82, 110

radio frequency

RFC 91, 92, 94, 96

request for comment

RFI 80

request for information

RI 153

rights issuer

riuimsbf 110

repeated, inverted, unsigned integer, most significant bit first

riuimsbfwp 110

repeated, inverted, unsigned integer, most significant bit first, with parity

RME 153

rich media environment

RO 153

right object

ROM 54

read-only memory

roomtyp 52

room type

roomtyp2 52

room type, ch2

ROT 153

root of trust

RP 79

recommended practice

rpchof 57, 65, 69, 81, 82, 90, 98

remainder polynomial coefficients, highest order first

RRT 65, 69, 81, 90

rating region table

RRT-MH 153

rating region table for ATSC-M/H

RS 53, 80, 110, 153


RSA 96

Rivest, Shamir, Aldeman

RTP 153

real-time transport protocol

RTT 69

ratings text table

S 153

number of padding bytes

S/N 82

signal to noise ratio

SAP 92

session announcement protocol

SAP 79

secondary audio program

SBn 91, 92, 94

smoothing buffer

sbnd 52

sub-band in index [sbnd]

SBR 153

spectral band replication

SCB1…SCB10 153

SCCC (serial concatenated convolutional coding) blocks number 1 through number 10

SCCC 153

serial concatenated convolutional code

SCM 82

single carrier modulation)


single channel per carrier

SCR 53, 54

system clock reference

SCTE 65, 69, 70, 79, 81, 90, 92, 96

Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers

SD 69, 79

standard definition

sdcycod 52

slow decay code

SDF 91, 94

service description framework

SDI 79

serial digital interface (compliant with SMPTE 259M)

SDO 97

standards development organization

SDP 92, 153

session description protocol

SDT 90,92

service description table

SDTV 53, 54, 69, 79

standard definition television

SEK 153

service encryption key

seg 52

segment in index [seg]

SFN 110

single frequency network

sgaincod 52

slow gain code

SG 153

(electronic) service guide

SGN 153

starting group number

SHA-1 96

Secure Hash Standard 1

SI 65, 90

system information

SI 69, 80, 81

service information

SIBL 153

SCCC input block length in bytes

signed int 153

signed integer

simsbf 82

signed integer, most significant bit first

skipfld 52

skip field

skipl 52

skip length

skiple 52

skip length exists

SLD 91,92, 94

service location descriptor

slev 52

surround mixing level coefficient

SLT-MH 153

service labeling table for ATSC-M/H

SMPTE 53, 54, 69, 79, 92, 94

Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers

SMR 82

specialized mobile radio

SMT-MH 153

service map table for ATSC-M/H

SNG 80

satellite news gathering

snroffste 52

SNR offset exists

SOBL 153

SCCC output block length in bytes

SP 110

synchronization packet

SPL 85

sound pressure level in decibels referenced to 20 µN/m2


system renewability message

SRTP 153

Secure Real Time Protocol

SSL 96

secure socket layer

STB 79, 96

set-top box

STC 54, 100

system time clock

STD 53, 54, 65, 69, 81, 90, 94

system target decoder

STKM 153

short-term key message

STL 112

studio-to-transmitter link

STS 110

synchronization time stamp

STT 65, 69, 81, 90

system time table

STT-MH 153

system time table for ATSC-M/H

surmixlev 52

surround mix level

SVC 153

Scalable Video Coding (Annex G of ITU-T rec. H.264 | ISO/IEC 14496-10)

SVG 153

Scalable Vector Graphics

syncframe 52

synchronization frame

syncinfo 52

synchronization information

syncword 52

synchronization word

TAD 110

transmitter and antenna delay

TBD 80

to be determined

TBn 90, 91

transport buffer for data elementary stream n

TBSn 90, 92

transport buffer size for data elementary stream n

tcimsbf 110

two’s complement integer, most significant bit first

TCM 80

trellis coded modulation

TCP 96, 153

Transmission Control Protocol

TCP/IP 76, 90

Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


time division aliasing cancellation


triple DES

TDM 80

time division multiplex

TEK 153

taffic encryption key

timecod1 52

time code first half

timecod1e 52

time code first half exists

timecod2 52

time code second half

timecod2e 52

time code second half exists

TLS 96

transport layer security

TNC 79

technically non-conformant (see A/78)

TNoG 153

total number of M/H groups including all the M/H groups belonging to all M/H parades in one M/H subframe

TOA 79

transport-stream off-air (see A/78)

TOV 54

threshold of visibility

TPC 153

transmission parameter channel

TPO 82

transmitter power output

TS 65, 69, 70, 79, 81, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 98, 110, 112, 153

transport stream

TS-M 53, 153

The portion of TS-R that contains only all Transport Stream packets transmitted by the main mode (see A/53- Part 2.

TS-R 53

The recombined Transport Stream containing all Transport Stream packets delivered by all transmission modes (main, one-half rate and one-quarter rate) (see A/53- Part 2.

TS-E 53

The portion of TS-R that contains only all Transport Stream packets transmitted by one-half rate and/or one-quarter rate modes(see A/53- Part 2).

TS-Ea 53

The portion of TS-E that contains only all Transport Stream packets transmitted by one-half rate mode (see A/53- Part 2).

TS-Eb 53

The portion of TS-E that contains only all Transport Stream packets transmitted by one-quarter rate mode (see A/53- Part 2)

TSDT 80, 81

transport stream descriptor table

TSFS 94, 95, 96

transport stream file system

TSI 153

transport session identifier

TSID 57,69, 69, 95

transport stream identifier (digital) or transmission signal identifier (analog)

TTL 92

time to live

TV 80



Television Broadcast Auxiliary Service rules (Part 74, subpart f, of the FCC Rules)

TVCT 65, 69, 71, 81, 90, 94

terrestrial virtual channel table


television parental guidelines


traveling wave tube amplifier

TxID 82

transmitter identification signal

UDP 92, 96, 153

User Datagram Protocol

UDPnkji 92

UDP buffer for port I, fragment identifier j, IP multicast address k, in program element n

uilsBf 100

unsigned integer least significant byte first

uilsWBf 100

unsigned integer least significant word and byte first

uimsbf 57, 65, 69, 70, 80, 81, 82, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 110, 153

unsigned integer, most significant bit first

uipfmsbf 110

unsigned integer plus fraction, most significant bit first

U-N 91

user to network


universal material identifier

unicode 65, 69, 70


URI 94, 95, 96, 100

uniform resource identifier

URL 69

uniform resource locator

UTC 65, 69, 76, 81, 90

Coordinated Universal Time

U-U 95


UUID 94, 100

universal unique identifier

VANC 79, 99

vertical ancillary

VBI 69, 79, 99

vertical blanking interval

VBS 79

vestigial sideband

VBV 53, 54, 81

video buffering verifier

VC 69

virtual channel

VCT 65, 69, 70, 71, 90, 91, 93, 94

virtual channel table

V-ISAN 57, 76

Version of an International Standard Audiovisual Number

VSB 53, 69

vestigial sideband

VU 85

volume unit

W3C 100, 153

World Wide Web Consortium

WAN 96

wide area network

WM 110


XDML 100

Extensible DTV Markup Language

XDS 79

extended data services

XML 76, 100

Extensible Markup Language

XOR 110

exclusive OR function

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