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Technology Group 3

The ATSC Technology Group 3 (TG3), with due regard for existing standards organizations and activities, develops and maintains voluntary, international technical Standards, Recommended Practices and other documents for the distribution of television programs and other data using advanced terrestrial broadcast technology, internet and other transports. Technologies considered may be improvements to current systems or entirely new systems that are compatible or incompatible with current systems. As appropriate, TG3 may engage in activities to address implementation issues regarding ATSC Standards and other documents.
Chair: Dr. Paul Hearty, Samsung

TG3 Specialist Groups

  • TG3/S31: System Requirements and Program Management

    Chair: Skip Pizzi, Fraunhofer USA


    The Specialist Group on ATSC 3.0 System Requirements and Program Management (called TG3/S31) will solicit use cases and develop scenarios, and examine them within various industry contexts for the next-generation digital television broadcast system (ATSC 3.0). These scenarios will be used to derive a set of System Requirements and the associated Glossary for ATSC 3.0, which will in turn enable the development of Technical Standards and Recommended Practices for such future service by TG3 and its other subgroups. The group will manage the ongoing development and documentation of these System Requirements and Glossary as appropriate over time.

    The group will assist in the review, coordination and consolidation of work within TG3’s subgroups, including reviewing subgroup output for adherence to the System Requirements, coordinating interdependent deliverables and timelines, assisting in identifying and resolving work overlaps or gaps between groups, drafting outlines and shared sections of documents requiring multiple subgroup input, and other similar tasks as assigned by TG3.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S32: Specialist Group on Physical Layer for ATSC 3.0

    Chair: Luke Fay, Sony
    Chair: Dr. Jae-young Lee, ETRI


    The Specialist Group on Physical Layer for ATSC 3.0 (called TG3/S32) will examine, assess, and possibly recommend technical proposal(s) for the physical layer(s) of the next generation digital terrestrial television broadcast system (ATSC 3.0). Interoperability with non-broadcast distribution systems (both traditional and non-traditional) will be considered. The term “television” should not in any way constrain the Specialist Group from considering physical layer technologies, systems and services that may currently fall outside the traditionally defined boundaries of television broadcasting.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S33: Specialist Group on Management and Protocols

    Chair: Jon Fairhurst, Samsung Research America
    Vice-Chair: Adam Goldberg, Sony


    The Specialist Group on Management and Protocols (called TG3/S33) will solicit, examine and assess technical proposals and develop Standards and Recommended Practices related to technologies for the management and delivery of ATSC 3.0 services and associated metadata, over terrestrial broadcast channels and, if appropriate, broadband/bi-directional networks, to fulfill the relevant ATSC 3.0 System Requirements.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S34: Specialist Group on Applications and Presentation for ATSC 3.0

    Chair: Chris Homer, Scripps


    The Specialist Group on Application and Presentation for ATSC 3.0 (called TG3/S34) will examine and assess technical proposals and develop Standards and Recommended Practices for the next generation digital terrestrial television broadcast system to fulfill the relevant ATSC 3.0 System Requirements. The Specialist Group will primarily focus on the portion of the ATSC 3.0 platform that defines the user experience. The work may include, but is not limited to accessibility (including audio description and closed captions) and other features as defined by evolving system requirements across a multiple delivery path, multi-device ecosystem.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S36: Specialist Group on ATSC 3.0 Security

    Chair: Adam Goldberg, Sony
    Vice-Chair: Chris Homer, Scripps


    The Specialist Group on the ATSC 3.0 Security (called TG3/S36) will develop standards and other documents that describe the security and conditional access infrastructure of the ATSC 3.0 system, including mechanisms for supporting conditional access features like pay-per-view and subscription services. This also includes mechanisms for cryptographically protecting communications within the ATSC 3.0 system and cryptographic verification of downloaded applications.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S37: Specialist Group on Conversion and Redistribution of ATSC 3.0 Service

    Chair: Steve Calzone, DTV Consulting
    Vice-Chair: Jeff Hamilton, Hamilton Technologies


    ATSC TG3/S37 develops and maintains Recommended Practices, Standards, and other documents relating to the conversion and redistribution of ATSC 3.0 services.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S38: Specialist Group on Interactive Environment

    Chair: Mark Corl, Triveni Digital
    Vice-Chair: Julia Kenyon, Duct Tape Engineering


    The Specialist Group on Interactive Environment for ATSC 3.0 (called TG3/S38) examines and assesses technical proposals regarding interactive applications and their companion devices. This analysis is done in order to develop Standards and Recommended Practices that describe a supporting environment delivered via the next generation digital terrestrial television broadcast system. S38 may undertake other related tasks as defined by system requirements or as assigned by TG3.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S39: Specialist Group on ATSC 1.0

    Chair: Michael Dolan, Pearl
    Vice-Chair: Mark Corl, Triveni Digital


    The Specialist Group on ATSC 1.0 (called TG3/S39) is responsible for all ATSC “1.0”-related Standards and Recommended Practices. S39 develops new ATSC “1.0” documents if needed, provides maintenance of ATSC “1.0” documents, and works with the other TG3 Specialist Groups as needed.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S41 Specialist Group on Video for ATSC 3.0

    Chair: Alan Stein, V-Nova
    Vice-Chair: Jon Fairhurst, Samsung


    TG3/S41 analyzes, recommends, and specifies the video sub-system(s), including video formats and codecs, to be used for services defined in ATSC 3.0 system requirements authorized by TG3. This Specialist Group is tasked with creating, evolving, and maintaining draft standard documents and recommended practices that specify video codecs and the appropriate constraints to make them usable in the context of the ATSC 3.0 system.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S42 Specialist Group on Audio for ATSC 3.0 (TG3/S42)

    Chair: Jim Starzynski, NBCU


    TG3/S42 will analyze the performance and use of audio systems for ATSC-3 as needed and create documentation supporting effective system conception, operation and extension. The group will also maintain the ATSC A/342 Standard and revise it as necessary. The group may solicit, examine, and assess technical proposals. The resulting documents may be in the form of Standards, Technology Group Reports, or Recommended Practices.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3/S43, Specialist Group on ATSC 3.0 Core Network

    Chair: Ali Dernaika, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    Chair: Rajesh Gangadhar, Saankhya Labs


    ATSC TG3/S43 develops and maintains Standards, Recommended Practices, and other documents relating to broadcast core network functions that enable current and future use cases (e.g., datacasting) efficiently at scale across a collection of broadcast facilities.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-6: AHG on DASH-IF

    Chair: Michael Dolan, Pearl

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-9: AHG on Interlayer Communications in the ATSC 3.0 Ecosystem

    Chair: Ira Goldstone, Cobalt Digital


    This AHG will study interlayer communications for the interfaces from the IP Baseband Plant through compression encoding and the ATSC 3 Transport Management and Protocols Layer to the Physical Layer Transmission facilities, identifying needs, potential solutions, and appropriate venues for development and documentation of solutions any subsequent work deemed necessary.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-10: AHG on Emergency Alerts

    Chair: Dr. Edward Czarnecki, Digital Alert Systems

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-11, AHG on ATSC 3.0 - 5G Harmonization

    Chair: Anders Askerup, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
    Secretary: Marc Mouradian, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-12, AHG on Portrait Mode and Multiple Video

    Chair: Adam Goldberg, Sony
    TG3-12 evaluates, identifies and prioritizes the requirements (including use cases) and identifies features (including APIs, signaling) needed for ATSC 3.0 to support non-16:9/4:3 aspect ratio video and more than one concurrent video track per service. Discussion will include Receiver resource implications.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.
  • TG3-13, AHG on NPP N-068 Phase 2

    Chair: Leonard Fabiano, Sinclair Broadcast Group
    TG3-13 is tasked by TG3 to study issues relating to B2X (Broadcast to Everything), including harmonization and interworking of ATSC, 5G NR (New Radio), and 5G MBS Multicast and Broadcast Service.

    ATSC members can join this group in the Causeway member management system.

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