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CHAT ROOM: Public TV Stations Ready ATSC 3.0 Plans

In the Chat Room this month, THE STANDARD sat down with Marc Hand, CEO and co-founder of Public Media Company, who also leads the Public Media Venture Group, a coalition that includes stations that serve more than 188 million Americans – and that group is squarely focused on the potential for ATSC 3.0 with public TV broadcasters.  Since its founding more than a quarter century ago, Public Media Company has advised more than 300 public radio and TV stations and independent media organizations to drive innovative and sustainable public broadcasting.

CHAT ROOM: Next Gen TV Enhances Public Television’s Mission

In the Chat Room this month, THE STANDARD sat down with Patrick Butler, President and CEO of America’s Public Television Stations. Leading APTS since 2011 is the capstone of Butler’s storied career in media and government service. He’s a passionate advocate for ATSC 3.0 and sees Next Gen TV figuring prominently in public television’s future.

ATSC 3.0 Spells Progress for Public Television

American Public Television Stations President Patrick Butler on the progress ATSC 3.0 can inspire for public television stations.

APTS Honors Outgoing Leader Pat Butler with Lifetime Achievement Award, and Recognizes Lonna Thompson with Champion of Public Broadcasting Award

Two very familiar leaders in the public broadcasting sector won recognition this past week as America’s Public TV Stations (APTS) met for their annual gathering in Washington. America’s Public Television Stations (APTS) has presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Patrick Butler, president and chief executive officer of APTS. Rarely awarded, the APTS Lifetime Achievement Award […]

COMMENTARY: Special ATSC 3.0 Needs of Public Broadcasters

Pioneering U.S. terrestrial broadcasters are looking for next-generation TV to transform their businesses, providing them with a flexible system that helps them offer new services previously not possible. In these early days of ATSC 3.0, select commercial broadcasters are testing the technology and the business models through two main consortia of commercial broadcasters: Spectrum Co and Pearl TV.


Erik Langner is CEO of Information Equity Initiative (IEI). He says his involvement in ATSC springs from his 19 years working in public broadcasting, and his deep care about the industry, the stations, and the profound impact that broadcasters can have on their local communities. “What drove me to this industry, as opposed to other […]

A Word from Our Sponsor: Public Media Venture Group

The Public Media Venture Group (PMVG) is a consortium of public stations focused on developing innovative ventures that contribute to growth in revenue and service impact for public media. PMVG stations are diverse. Our venture group includes the largest stations in public television and the smallest, serving entire states, individual cities, and even small towns. […]


Someone You Should Know: Marc Hand

Marc Hand is both CEO and Founder of Public Media Venture Group (PMVG) and also CEO of Media Management/Public Media Management (PMM).  He stays actively involved with ATSC because of its role with public TV broadcasters. “The emergence of ATSC 3.0 was one of the key reasons for founding PMVG. In 2016, we held a […]

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