This document presents the objectives of, and general methodology for, conducting field tests of the ATSC 3.0 over-the-air (OTA) terrestrial digital television (DTV) system. The physical layer of this DTV standard provides a comprehensive and flexible tool-box of configuration options and features for digital broadcast transmission, and allows broadcasters to pursue many different modulation and coding configurations. The intention of this document is to summarize and describe RF field environment performance test processes, and provide analysis for manufacturers attempting to verify functionality of their receiver’s physical layer design or for broadcasters trying to evaluate coverage and service in their market. This document should be used by manufacturers and broadcasters to ensure their field testing is conducted with a consistent methodology.
Download current version: A/326:2024-04, “ATSC 3.0 Field Test Plan”, 3 April 2024.
Previous Versions
There are multiple versions of this document. Please be sure to download the desired version. For amendments, the text includes a list of changes, the rationale for the changes, and compatibility considerations
Download A/326:2017, “ATSC 3.0 Field Test Plan”, approved 22 February 2017.
Download A/326:2022-03, “ATSC 3.0 Field Test Plan”, 31 March 2022.
Download A/326:2023-03, “ATSC 3.0 Field Test Plan”, 31 March 2023.
Download A/326:2023-03 Corrigendum No. 1″, approved 24 April 2023.
Download A/326:2023-04, “ATSC 3.0 Field Test Plan”, 24 April 2023.
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Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc.
1300 I Street NW, Suite 400E
Washington, DC 20005
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The Advanced Television Systems Committee, Inc., is an international, non-profit organization developing voluntary standards and recommended practices for digital terrestrial broadcasting. ATSC member organizations represent the broadcast, broadcast equipment, motion picture, consumer electronics, computer, cable, satellite, and semiconductor industries. ATSC also develops digital terrestrial broadcasting implementation strategies and supports educational activities on ATSC standards.
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